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Sony FA-WRR1 Wireless Radio Receiver


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- 180 días de garantía Incluída extendible.

- 100% funcional

- Ahorra hasta un 40% en comparación con los productos nuevos.

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Expand your wireless flash and camera setup with this FA-WRR1 Wireless Radio Receiver from Sony. Featuring a Multi Interface Shoe on the top, this receiver will directly support most Sony-compatible flash units and will even work in manual mode with flashes that use the Auto-lock Accessory Terminal along with an adapter. For full functionality a flash with the Multi Interface Shoe is required, enabling TTL and High-Speed Sync support as well as all remote control functions via the FA-WRC1M Wireless Radio Controller or a compatible radio-equipped commander flash. In order to ensure reliable performance, the system uses a 2.4 GHz radio signal with a range of up to 98.4'. Also, it can operate on one of 14 channels and with up to 5 groups.

What's included 
  • Standard 6 month warranty
  • Original Packaging

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